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Upward: toward the source; toward the interior; towards a higher or better condition; in a higher position

The retreat, held on the stunningly beautiful premises of Pousada de Coloane begins its journey on Friday evening with a catch up chat, intro and discussion of our purpose for the retreat. Prior to the evening meal, we will take some time out for a gentle yoga class to assist in resetting our bodies and minds, away from our working week. This allows us to start the weekend immersion truly open and ready for our journey.
Saturday and Sunday mornings will both begin with a seated meditation practice to chill our mental chatter and prepare us for the profound practice of pranayama. After a brief break, in which we ask people to minimize their interaction with others, we will move onto the Mysore practice, bringing with us the mental state from the previous practices to allow us to use the tool of the body to improve our own human condition. Mysore will close as a group to allow us to dedicate our practice to the betterment of all living beings.
After lunch, on both days, we will be focusing our attention on fascia – the human scaffolding, establishing an understanding of what fascia is, how it works and how we can work with this whole body system to alter ourselves on a cellular level.
The days end with a restorative yoga session, accompanied by singing bowls. As we allow the resonance of these beautiful instruments to be drawn deeply into our energy systems, we become at peace with the changes we are starting to make. We take ourselves inward to a new sense of cellular awareness which, in turn, allows us to recognize our progress towards a better human condition.

Early Bird Price valid until November 18th
– MOP2750 Full Weekend retreat
Including all classes plus meals*
– MOP800 Drop-in Friday
Including class and meal*
– MOP980 Drop-in daily Saturday and Sunday
Including full day classes and meals*

Full Price valid from November 19th
– MOP3180 Full Weekend retreat
All classes plus meals*
– MOP980 Drop-in Friday
Including class and meal*
– MOP1180 Drop-in daily Saturday and Sunday
Including full day classes and meals*

*accommodations not included
Special room rates are available for participants.

+853 2888 2143/4
+61 447 081 221