“Taking time for ourselves is sometimes the greatest gift we can give to others”
Kerill Yoga runs retreats on a regular basis. We choose beautiful settings with healthy foods to allow you to take some time away and give to yourself. Retreats are also run with an exploration of the culture of the country. Numbers are always limited to ensure you have a personal experience.
We don’t ask you to give up your coffee in the morning or your glass of wine in the evening. Instead, we offer you an enriching, yet real world experience where you can spend time with fellow yogis or time alone. Classes and activities are not compulsory although we invite you to make the most of your time with us as we share our love of the yogic lifestyle.
Mornings are reserved for a guided meditation, pranayama and an asana practice. Evenings may involve workshops, relaxations sessions or gentle asana. Non-yoga participants are always welcome.
Please enquire if you wish Kerill Yoga to host or participate in your corporate retreat.